About 1smgwebmaster

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Meanwhile lets just say that we are proud 1smgwebmaster contributed a whooping 172 entries.

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How to Prepare for Your AC Installation

You’ve scheduled your AC installation and the day is quickly approaching. First, congratulations! Whether you’re replacing an old, broken unit or getting AC installed for the first time, it’s a game changer for your household’s comfort. There’s nothing like cool air conditioning on a hot day. Of course, you want to make sure the installation […]

Top 5 Most Common AC Repair Needs

It’s tough to go without air conditioning, especially if it’s the middle of summer or an otherwise uncomfortable part of the year. Few people would notice a broken AC in the middle of winter, after all, so the timing always seems inconvenient. AC units usually have a lifespan of around 15 years if well maintained, […]

4 Signs You Need Air Conditioning Service

Unless you move around a lot and have incredible luck, there’s probably air conditioning service at some point in your future. While AC units are long-lasting (especially if they’re properly maintained), they do need occasional attention. Parts wear out at different rates, so even if you get 20 years of use out of your unit, […]

When to Call for Air Conditioning Service

There are several things that could go wrong with your air conditioning. Central air units and modern HVAC systems have a lot of components working together and when one of them fails, it can lead to any manner of issues. Some issues that arise can be handled on your own, such as if you need […]