About 1smgwebmaster

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Meanwhile lets just say that we are proud 1smgwebmaster contributed a whooping 172 entries.

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How Do You Know It’s Time for New AC Installation?

Installing new air conditioning is intimidating. People dread the cost and put it off longer than they should, risking damage to their homes. No HVAC system lasts forever, no air conditioning unit lasts a lifetime, and eventually, you will need a replacement. Depending on your situation, that might happen sooner rather than later. Nevertheless, it’s […]

The 6 Most Common AC Repairs

Air conditioning and AC units are some of the most used and relied-upon components of a home. Especially in summer months, having a working AC is invaluable. It keeps the whole family comfortable, and broken or inadequate air conditioning can have numerous consequences.   Unfortunately, AC units do occasionally run into problems and need repairs […]

4 Signs You Need Emergency Air Conditioning Service

Having a busted air conditioning unit is a pain regardless of the problem. In hot climates, having inadequate AC moves between inconvenience and health hazard. Even if broken air conditioning is only a minor annoyance, there are certain issues that can’t be ignored. The damage will steamroll and continue to create larger issues. In some […]