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5 Reasons Your Air Conditioner is Blowing Warm Air

We all depend on our air conditioners for a cool, comfortable indoor climate. Even the most high-end air conditioner can experience problems. When your air conditioner is blowing warm air, you may need AC repair from an air conditioning service company. Even if a problem with an AC unit doesn’t render it inoperable, it can […]

Why Do My Air Conditioning Vents Smell Bad?

We all know that an air conditioner’s main purpose is to keep an indoor area feeling comfortable. Just because the temperature and air flow are fine doesn’t mean that an AC unit is free of problems. When your air conditioning vents begin to smell, the odor can be annoying and in some cases unbearable. Understanding […]

Is It Time to Repair or Replace My Air Conditioner?

Did your air conditioner break down? Take a deep breath and call your air conditioning contractor. They will inspect your unit and tell you what the repairs would involve and how much they would cost. Based on their findings, you can decide whether a repair is enough or you should consider an air conditioner replacement. […]

Cold Hard Facts about Air Conditioning and Your Health

Did you know that the last six summers have been the hottest in the past 12 decades? This is just another confirmation that your comfort depends on your air conditioning system. What impact does the air conditioner have on your health? Let’s look at the facts about air conditioning! 5 Facts about the Impact of […]

Things to Consider When Replacing Your Heating System

If you feel that you are spending too much money on heating system repair services, then maybe it is time to consider replacing your heating system. You will need to invest some money upfront, but you will save a lot on heating repair and utility bills since the new system will function properly and consume […]

How to Get Your Heating System Ready for Winter

If you have not yet prepared your heating system ready for winter, every minute you waste could cost you a lot, not only in money, but also in time, comfort, and nerves. You need to have it checked and serviced as soon as possible. Otherwise, you could find yourself looking for an emergency heating service […]

The 4 Most Common Plumbing Problems

Every homeowner expects to have to call a plumber once in a while. After all, plumbing is one of the most important systems of any home, and a lot of things can go wrong with it. While some minor plumbing issues can be fixed by the handier homeowner types, bigger issues will require professional attention. […]

Preventive Maintenance and Efficiency Boosts for Your Heater

In preparation for those long cold winter months, it’s best to assume that your heater isn’t operating as efficiently as possible. There are some steps you can take to prevent excess energy usage this season and have an efficiency boost for Your Heater. Replace Your Filter This is the first step we would recommend that […]

Maintenance Checklist for Central Heating System

Because you only rely on your central heating system during certain seasons, it can go for long stretches without ever being used. Central Heating system maintenance can be quite easy if you can regularly check-up certain parts of the system. If you can follow this simple checklist of heating service maintenance, you can avoid some […]

Plan Ahead to Avoid Frozen Pipes

We can understand why so many people love winter. The cooler weather brings relief to the summer heat, the snow can be beautiful, and the season is cozy and perfect for cuddling up on a couch inside. But winter can also wreak havoc on your home’s pipes. The water in your pipes can freeze during […]