Furnance Repair Repair

Furnace Repair Tips

From time to time, you may find that your furnace is not performing as expected. Sometimes it is as simple as a power outage, but more than likely it has to do with an issue that is directly related to your furnace.

When that time comes, you need a pro in your corner like Elite Heating & Cooling Las Vegas to help you out of a jam. Only the pros can make an accurate assessment before implementing a timely repair. There are more than a few reasons why you would need heating repair done, but these are the most common.

Air Filters

Without a doubt, the most common issue has to do with the air filter. Not checking your filter routinely can lead to backups of dust, dirt, and debris, particularly in the vents and registers. Make sure that you check your air filter and change them out at least once every other month.

It’s the Thermostat

Right up there with the air filter, the thermostat can wind up being a potential issue. Sometimes the thermostat is simply set incorrectly. It sounds obvious but it happens far more often than people realize.

If changing some of the basic settings doesn’t really change anything, then there is something more at play. Our team at Elite Heating & Cooling Las Vegas can provide an accurate and timely fix.

The Gas Line

Is your gas turned on? This can be easily checked by simply checking the shut-off valve. You can also check another appliance like the stove to ensure that you have gas coming into the house.

Should gas be unable to make it to the furnace, then it could be a gas line issue. Finally, if you smell gas or think that there might be a leak, get out of the house immediately and call our team to get the issue resolved safely.

Final Thoughts

Whether it be a faulty pilot light, overheating, gas line, thermostat, or something else entirely, it can leave a lot more questions than answers. There is far too much that can go wrong when implementing a DIY fix, which is why calling the pros is the only answer.

Before long, you can have the peace of mind in knowing that the task is being handled properly. You can then get back to your life as normal and your furnace will be back in working order once again.


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